
Ausstellung |
25.11.2017-30.04.2018 |
Villa Bernasconi, Cernobbio, Italy
Organizer/curator: Associazione Arte&Arte. Project: Iridescence Print (2015). |
Link to the Villa Bernasconi Website

Ausstellung |
27.10.2017-15.04.2018 |
Hello, Robot. Design between Human and Machine
Design museum Gent, Jan Breydelstraat 5, 9000 Gent. |

Ausstellung |
09.09.2017-10.09.2017 |
Soft Particle Aggregation
Maker Faire Zürich. Dynamo Zürich . Vortragende: David Jenny, Hakim Hasan . |
MAS DFAB präsentiert einen Lehm schiessenden Roboterprozess an der Maker Faire im Dynamo.
“(Un)Predictable Materials“, ein Vortrag von David Jenny und Hakim Hasan am Samstag 09.09., 14h30.
Projekte: MAS_2016-17_T3 |

Ausstellung |
07.09.2017-10.09.2017 |
Robotic Pavilion at the first Design Biennale Zürich
Old Botanical Garden, Zurich. |
The robotic pavilion built by students of the MAS DFAB 2015-16 was selected to represent ETH Zurich at the first Zurich Design Biennale opening on the 7th of September. ETH has teamed up with the Museum of Digital Art to introduce children to the playful and rational thinking behind technology and design. Throughout the weekend children can further their creative potential and cultivate their skills as makers in a series of open workshops.
For further information on the Biennale click on the picture.
Information on the MuDA workshops here
Projekte: MAS_DFAB_2015_2016 |

Ausstellung |
07.09.2017-11.09.2017 |
Rock Print on show at Ars Electronica Festival 2017
Festival for Art, Technology and Society. POSTCITY Linz. |

Ausstellung |
05.09.2017-07.10.2017 |
Academic Platforms of Computational Design
The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. Conference / Exhibition. Vortragende: Light Weight Structure by Stefana Parascho. |

Ausstellung |
10.06.2017-03.07.2017 |
Interference Cube (2003) by Gramazio Kohler Architects exhibited in front of Museum of Digital Art until 29/06/17
Gasträume 2017. Stadt Zürich. Kunst im öffentlichen Raum. Pfingstweidstrasse 101, 8005 Zürich. |

Ausstellung |
05.04.2017-06.05.2017 |
REINFORCE EXPOSE - The inner forms of tomorrow
Salone del Mobile. ISR Milano, Via Vecchio Politecnico 3, Mailand. |

Ausstellung |
01.04.2017-16.07.2017 |
Gramazio Kohler
Museum of Digital Art, Pfingstweidstrasse 101, 8005 Zürich. |

Ausstellung |
15.03.2017-19.06.2017 |
Mutations-Créations / Imprimer le monde
Centre Pompidou, Paris. |
«Imprimer le monde» will be an exploration of 3D experiments at their cutting edge, in the fields of art, design and architecture, but also medicine, robotics and industry. The hanging will focus on the works of 40 key artists, designers, architects, and scientists of today.

Ausstellung |
11.02.2017-14.05.2017 |
Hello, Robot. Design between Human and Machine
Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein, Germany. |