
Exhibition |
10.05.2025-23.11.2025 |
We are happy to share that we have been invited to the 19th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, curated by Carlo Ratti / CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati

Exhibition |
28.09.2024-05.01.2025 |
Material Acts: Experimentation in Architecture and Design
Craft Contemporary. Los Angeles. |
Material Acts: Experimentation in Architecture and Design examines the role of nature as a starting point for material experimentation in the domains of architecture, craft, and science.

Exhibition |
27.02.2024-30.06.2024 |
The Museum of Craft and Design, San Francisco. |
Robots are our partners in the future. This exhibition showcases a collection of design activities and experiments by students at San José State University, as they test the creative possibilities of collaborating with a robot. Together with faculty and guest design collaborators Jonathon Anderson, Madeline Gannon, Andrew Kudless, and Gramazio Kohler Research, experiments shown in the exhibition engage the robot across multiple disciplines and media: calligraphy, photography, 3D-light painting, 3D-printing, and stop-motion animation.

Exhibition |
01.06.2023 |
Event at the Future Now Pavilion, Fauusp São Paulo (RSVP needed)
Universidade de São Paulo, Rua do Lago 876, Butantã, São Paulo. Lecturer: Consul General of Switzerland in São Paulo, Insight Architecture, Faculty of Architecture FAUUSP, Swissnex, and ITA Engenharia. |

Exhibition |
17.02.2023 |
Future of Motion at Autostadt Wolfsburg
Gramazio Kohler Research and the Computer Vision and Learning Group, ETH Zurich present Flight Assembled Architecture Revisited.

Lecture - Teaching - Exhibition |
30.11.2022-02.12.2022 |
Von Video & Wolken. 40’000 Stunden Video, 990 Studierende, 50 Jahre bewegte Lehre D-ARCH
Professur Christophe Girot & Marc Schwarz Films. ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL H 40.9 Foyer. |
Die Veranstaltung bezieht sich auf 50 Jahre einer Form von Underground-Video-Counter Culture an der D-ARCH, die von Ruedi Manz Mitte der 1970er Jahre im COOP Provisorium initiiert und in den 80er und 90er Jahren in den HIL-Keller auf dem Hönggerberg gebracht wurde

Completion - Opening - Exhibition |
23.09.2022 |
Hello, Robot. Design between Human and Machine.
Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein. |

Lecture - Opening - Exhibition |
20.09.2022 |
Vernissage und Round Table: Gotthard Landschaft - eine digitale Reise durch das alpine Massiv
ETH Zürich, Zentrum Hauptgebäude (HG) Innenhof Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich. Lecturer: Prof. Christophe Girot, Prof. Dr. Anette Freytag, Bruno Giussani, Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Prof. Matthias Kohler, Dr. Thomas Robinson, Dr. Nadin Schütz. |

Completion - Opening - Exhibition |
01.08.2022 |
Kizuki-au, Collaborative Constructions opens at Aichi Triennale

Opening - Exhibition |
10.06.2022-28.08.2022 |
Open House - Experiment the Habitat
Geneva. |

Exhibition |
09.06.2022-30.10.2022 |
ZAZ Bellerive, Zentrum Architektur Zürich. |

Exhibition |
08.04.2022-18.09.2022 |
Motion. Autos. Art. Architecture
Norman Foster Foundation. Guggenheim Bilbao Museum. |
Installation "Flight Assembled Architecture Revisited-Inhabiting the Virtual" by Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich in collaboration with the Computer Vision and Learning Group, ETH Zurich.

Exhibition |
08.09.2021 |
Future Now - Revisiting Earthen Architecture
UIA2021RIO, the 27th World Congress of Architects. Insight Architecture - Jason Baumann. Mauá Square in Rio de Janeiro. |

Exhibition |
22.05.2021-21.11.2021 |
How Will We Live Together? - As New Households
Biennale di Architettura 2021. Gramazio Kohler Architects / NCCR DFAB. |

Exhibition |
14.05.2021 |
Architecture for Degrowth
Open House Geneva. |

Exhibition |
07.03.2021 |
U-Joints – Adhesives and Fusions, Part III
Gewerbemuseum Winterthur. |
The exhibition features a series of research prototypes and visual material on the project Adaptive Detailing with Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM).

Exhibition |
04.12.2019-15.03.2020 |
Gravitatorische Behauptungen. Yves Netzhammer / Gramazio Kohler Research
Graphische Sammlung, ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich. |

Exhibition |
19.11.2019-29.03.2020 |
Future and the Arts: AI, Robotics, Cities, Life - How Humanity Will Live Tomorrow
Mori Art Museum. Tokyo, Japan. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio. |

Exhibition |
02.11.2019-09.02.2020 |
Up Sticks
Commissioned by the V&A Dundee. MAS DFAB. V&A Dundee. |
Projects: MAS_2018_2019_T2_UpSticks |

Opening - Exhibition |
12.09.2019 |
How to Build a House: Architectural Research in the Digital Age (12 September - 13 October 2019)
Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture and Swissnex. The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York. Lecturer: B. Dillenburger, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler, J. Sabin, S. Tibbits, N. Tehrani. |

Exhibition |
12.03.2019-28.06.2019 |
How to Build a House: Architectural Research in the Digital Age
swissnex San Francisco Pier 17, Suite 800, San Francisco, California 94111. |

Media - Exhibition |
Video released on the production of Rock Print Pavilion
Video Link


Exhibition |
04.10.2018-04.11.2018 |
Rock Print Pavilion
Gewerbemuseum Winterthur, Kirchplatz. |

Exhibition |
The MuDA catalogue on the exhibition is available now!
To download the app click on the picture. |


Exhibition |
27.05.2018-04.11.2018 |
Hello, Robot
Gewerbemuseum Winterthur, Kirchplatz 14, CH-8400 Winterthur. |
Projects: StructuralOscillations |

Exhibition |
05.05.2018-03.11.2018 |
3D-Druck - Wie eine Technologie unser Leben verändert
Sonderausstellung 2018/19. Museum Stamparia Strada, Prà da la Faira 161, 7558 Strada. |
Projects: SDC_Prefab_Nest |

Exhibition |
04.05.2018-23.12.2018 |
Arbeit ist unsichtbar
Museum Arbeitswelt. Wehrgrabengasse 7, 4400 Steyr, Österreich . |
The video on our research project In situ Fabricator is being shown See exhibited video
Projects: IFMM_NEST |

Exhibition |
25.11.2017-30.04.2018 |
Villa Bernasconi, Cernobbio, Italy
Organizer/curator: Associazione Arte&Arte. Project: Iridescence Print (2015). |
Link to the Villa Bernasconi Website

Exhibition |
27.10.2017-15.04.2018 |
Hello, Robot. Design between Human and Machine
Design museum Gent, Jan Breydelstraat 5, 9000 Gent. |

Exhibition |
09.09.2017-10.09.2017 |
Soft Particle Aggregation
Maker Faire Zürich. Dynamo Zürich . Lecturer: David Jenny, Hakim Hasan . |
The MAS DFAB features a clay-shooting robot at the Zurich Maker Faire at Dynamo. Talk by David Jenny and Hakim Hasan on 09.09., 14h30 entitled: “(Un)Predictable Materials”.
Projects: MAS_2016-17_T3 |

Exhibition |
07.09.2017-10.09.2017 |
Robotic Pavilion at the first Design Biennale Zürich
Old Botanical Garden, Zurich. |
The robotic pavilion built by students of the MAS DFAB 2015-16 was selected to represent ETH Zurich at the first Zurich Design Biennale opening on the 7th of September. ETH has teamed up with the Museum of Digital Art to introduce children to the playful and rational thinking behind technology and design. Throughout the weekend children can further their creative potential and cultivate their skills as makers in a series of open workshops.
For further information on the Biennale click on the picture.
Information on the MuDA workshops here
Projects: MAS_DFAB_2015_2016 |

Exhibition |
07.09.2017-11.09.2017 |
Rock Print on show at Ars Electronica Festival 2017
Festival for Art, Technology and Society. POSTCITY Linz. |

Exhibition |
05.09.2017-07.10.2017 |
Academic Platforms of Computational Design
The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. Conference / Exhibition. Lecturer: Light Weight Structure by Stefana Parascho. |

Exhibition |
10.06.2017-03.07.2017 |
Interference Cube (2003) by Gramazio Kohler Architects exhibited in front of Museum of Digital Art until 29/06/17
Gasträume 2017. Stadt Zürich. Kunst im öffentlichen Raum. Pfingstweidstrasse 101, 8005 Zürich. |

Exhibition |
05.04.2017-06.05.2017 |
REINFORCE EXPOSE - The inner forms of tomorrow
Salone del Mobile. ISR Milano, Via Vecchio Politecnico 3, Mailand. |

Exhibition |
01.04.2017-16.07.2017 |
Gramazio Kohler
Museum of Digital Art, Pfingstweidstrasse 101, 8005 Zürich. |

Exhibition |
15.03.2017-19.06.2017 |
Mutations-Créations / Imprimer le monde
Centre Pompidou, Paris. |

Exhibition |
11.02.2017-14.05.2017 |
Hello, Robot. Design between Human and Machine
Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein, Germany. |

Exhibition |
14.03.2016-18.03.2016 |
CeBIT 2016

Exhibition |
05.03.2016 |
Chicago Architecture Biennial: Rock Print De-Installation
The Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication ceased its engagement at the Chicago Architecture Biennial with a spectacular de-installation of Rock Print and sends a sincere “thank you” to all our project partners from academia and industry without whose invaluable engagement this project would not have been possible!

Exhibition |
24.02.2016-10.03.2016 |
Robotic Wire Cutting Summerschool Ausstellung Architekturforum Zürich
In September 2015, the Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication has successfully pursued the 2015 Swisspearl Summerschool. The results of the two-week design and building workshop "Robotic Wire Cutting" will be exhibited - together with a comprehensive film documentation by Marc Schwarz - at the Architekturforum Zurich. For more information:

Exhibition |
03.10.2015 |
NOW!!! Chicago Architecture Biennial
The Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication will participate in the inaugural Chicago Architecture Biennial, North America’s largest international survey of contemporary architecture! Developed in collaboration with the MIT Self-Assembly Lab, the project will bring forward a radically new approach towards robotic construction with granular matter. The Architecture Biennial ("The State of the Art of Architecture") takes place in Chicago from 3 October 2015 to 3 January 2016.

Exhibition |
18.04.2015-14.06.2015 |
Short Cuts
Centre PasquArt. Kunsthaus Centre d'art, Biel. |
Flight Assembled Architecture is part of the "Short Cuts" exhibition at the CentrePasquArt in Biel/Bienne. The project was developed in cooperation with Professor Raffaello D'Andrea (IDSC) and originally exhibited 2011 at the FRAC Centre in Orléans.

Exhibition |
19.03.2015 |
L’usage des formes – Artisans d’art et artistes
Palais de Tokyo, Paris. |
The Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication participates at the exhibition "L’usage des formes – Artisans d’art et artistes" (19. March - 17. May 2015) at the Palais de Tokyo (Paris) and presents a unique robotically printed architectural installation.

Exhibition |
24.09.2014 |
Singapore meets Zurich - Research, Outcomes and Prospects
The Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication showcases a robotic architectural installation of its Design Research Studio in Singapore at the combined symposium-exhibition "Singapore meets Zurich - Research, Outcomes and Prospects" of the SEC Future Cities Laboratory. The exhibition at the ETH Zurich Haupthalle is open until November 9, 2014. The entry is free of charge.

Exhibition |
23.08.2014-16.11.2014 |
Lasse Andersson, Aalborg University. Utzon Center Exhibition Hall 2, Aalborg. |

Teaching - Exhibition |
03.07.2014 |
Remote Material Deposition Installation
Architektonische Installation am Sitterwerk . Sitterwerk, St.Gallen. |
The project "Remote Material Deposition" explores the idea of positioning material freely in space and creating differentiated structures by means of digitally controlled deposition. In cooperation with the Sitterwerk St.Gallen, this novel robot-based fabrication technique is implemented for the first time at full building scale. Until 11th July, the resulting 1:1 architectural installation is showcased - together with a number of additional studies - in the public exhibition with the same name at the Sitterwerk St.Gallen.

Exhibition |
12.05.2014 |
Mobile Robotic Tiling
Live Demonstration. Module II Architecture and Digital Fabrication / Future Cities Laboratory. CREATE Tower, Singapore. Lecturer: Fabio Gramazio, Tobias Bonwetsch. |
Projects: MobileRoboticTiling |

Exhibition |
14.02.2014-19.02.2014 |
The Robotic Touch - How Robots change Architecture
ETH Hönggerberg, HIL, Foyer Geschoss D. |
The Robotic Touch Exhibition presents a radical way of thinking about and materialising architecture. It showcases over 1,000 physical experiments and provides a selection of projects that have originated over almost a decade of research at ETH Zurich.

Exhibition |
07.11.2013-20.12.2013 |
Innovative Technologies / Mesh Mould Formwork
Swiss Positions, Swiss Scales. Korea Foundation Cultural Center Gallery. Seoul, South Korea. Lecturer: Module II Architecure and Digital Fabrication. |

Exhibition |
25.10.2013-27.10.2013 |
Architektur 0.13
Werkschau für Architektur. Maag Halle, Hardstrasse 219, 8005 Zürich. |

Exhibition |
26.05.2013-15.09.2013 |
Analoges und digitales Gestalten – Begegnungen
Schweizer Werkbund. IG Halle Rapperswil. |

Workshop - Exhibition |
25.05.2013-31.05.2013 |
Spatial Aggregations
Design Hub RMIT University. Melbourne. |
The exhibition features the results of a one week design workshop on the design and robotic fabrication of metal structures held at the RMIT.

Exhibition |
12.05.2012-19.08.2012 |
Architekturteilchen. Modulares Bauen im digitalen Zeitalter
Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln. |
The projects "Flight Assembled Architecture" and "TailorCrete" are shown at the exhibition "Architekturteilchen. Modulares Bauen im digitalen Zeitalter".

Exhibition |
17.01.2012-21.01.2012 |
Swissbau 2012
Basel. |
The software BrickDesign which is developed within a KTI-Project will be presented to the public for the first time at the Swissbau 2012 in Basel. Please visit us at the stand of Keller AG Ziegeleien.
Projects: KTI_BrickDesign |

Exhibition |
01.12.2011-26.02.2012 |
Flight Assembled Architecture
FRAC Centre Orléans. 12 rue de la Tour Neuve, 45000 Orléans, France. |
The Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication cordially invites to its exhibition "Flight Assembled Architecture", the first architectural installation to be built dynamically by flying machines. Developed togehter with Raffaello D’Andrea, a revolutionary assembly apparatus will be shown, addressing radical new ways of thinking and materializing architecture based on cutting-edge innovation and rigorous spatial and structural articulations.

Exhibition |
26.08.2011-28.08.2011 |
Scientifica - Zürcher Wissenschaftstage. University of Zurich / ETH Zurich. Main Buildings, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich. |
The Professorship Gramazio & Kohler Architecture and Digital Fabrication takes part in this year’s Scientifica and will present the EU-research project In-Situ Robotic Fabrication (dimRob), addressing cognitive robotic fabrication methods and its use on the construction site.

Lecture - Exhibition |
14.04.2011-16.04.2011 |
Digital Materiality in Architecture
Fabricate 2011. Bartlett School of Architecture Gallery. Wates House, 22 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0QB. Lecturer: Matthias Kohler. |
The Professorship Gramazio & Kohler takes part in this year’s Fabricate2011. A new mobile robot unit addresses adaptive building methods and cognitive fabrication skills and will be exhibited for the first time. This is framed by a keynote of Prof. Matthias Kohler in the scope of the panel „Machines and The Bespoke”.

Exhibition |
16.12.2010-14.01.2011 |
Arquitectura Suiza Contemporánea
El Colegio de Arquitectos de Cádiz. Cádiz. |

Exhibition |
14.12.2010-27.02.2011 |
Working Prototypes
DHUB Design Hub Barcelona. Palau de Pedralbes, Barcelona. |
Projects: ExplicitBricks |

Exhibition |
06.11.2010-07.11.2011 |
Designer's Saturday
D’S Design Center AG. Langenthal. |
A spatial mesh structure is composed out of interlocking Styrofoam blocks. The Installation is produced using an industrial robot and a non-standard fabrication process.

Exhibition |
15.10.2010-31.10.2010 |
Machinic Processes
Architecture Biennial Beijing. Tsinghua University. 798 Space, Beijing. |

Exhibition |
01.10.2010-29.10.2010 |
Jahresausstellung 2010
ETH Zürich - Institut für Geschichte und Theorie in der Architektur gta. ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, HIL D 30/E 29. |

Exhibition |
06.05.2010-01.07.2010 |
Ausstellung Brick Award 2010
Ausstellung Brick Award 2010. Institut für Geschichte und Theorie. Architekturfoyer, HIL, Hönggerberg, ETH Zürich. |

Exhibition |
18.03.2010-13.06.2010 |
Wendepunkt(e) im Bauen - Von der seriellen zur digitalen Architektur
Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität München. Pinakothek der Moderne, Barer Str. 40, München. |

Exhibition |
10.11.2009-19.01.2010 |
Schaufenster Akustik
Baumusterzentrale. Zürich. |
Projects: DW_Akustik |

Exhibition |
24.10.2009-01.11.2009 |
Neue Räume
Internationale Wohn- und Möbelausstellung. ABB Event Halle 550 Zürich-Örlikon. |

Exhibition |
16.10.2009-23.10.2009 |
Parametric Prototypes - New Computational Paradigms in Architecture
Xian School of Architecture. Xian, China. |
Projects: StructuralOscillations |

Exhibition |
09.10.2009-18.10.2009 |
Arc en reve. CAPC museum of contemporary art. Bodeaux. |
Projects: WF_Voxels |

Opening - Exhibition |
01.10.2009-15.11.2009 |
Pike Loop Installation New York
Storefront for Art and Architecture, Kenmare Street, Pike Street. Manhattan, NY. |
30.09.2009, 7pm:
Opening reception "Digital Materiality" at Storefront, NY
27.10.2009, 7pm:
Inauguration "Pike Loop" at Pike Street, NY
Projects: PikeLoop |

Exhibition |
25.09.2009-10.01.2010 |
Biennale Rotterdam
Vierte Internationalen Architektur Biennale . Rotterdam-Amsterdam. |

Opening - Exhibition |
23.09.2009-29.10.2009 |
ITA – Institut für Technologie in der Architektur. Einblicke
ETH Zürich, ITA in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut GTA. ETH Zürich, Science City, Archena. |
Projects: KTI_Flexbrick |
Exhibition |
18.09.2009-27.09.2009 |
Comptoir Suisse
Beaulieu Exploitation SA, 1000 Lausanne. |

Exhibition |
10.07.2009 |
Beyond Media
Firenze. |
Screening of the video documentation by Marc Schwarz
Projects: WeingutGantenbein |

Exhibition |
28.05.2009-23.08.2009 |
Re-Sampling Ornament
Arkitekturmuseet . Stockholm. |
Gramazio & Kohler are featured in the "Re-sampling Ornament" exhibition which is currently featured at the Arkitekturmuseet in Stockholm. 100 years after Adolf Loos wrote Ornament and Crime, a text that relegated ornament to the peripheries of the architectural discourse, “Re-sampling Ornament” takes a first step towards tracing its re-emergence.
Projects: WeingutGantenbein |

Exhibition |
30.03.2009-16.04.2009 |
FLUX: Architecture in a Parametric Landscape
CCA California College of the Arts. San Francisco (USA). |

Exhibition |
14.09.2008-23.11.2008 |
EXPLORATIONS: Teaching, Design, Research
Schweizer Beitrag an der Architekturbiennale Venedig. Bundesamt für Kultur. Venedig. |
Gramazio & Kohler are part of this years Swiss contribution to the Architecture Biennale in Venice. The exhibition explores the ambivalence between teaching and research at the Architecture Departments of ETHZ/EPFL.
Projects: MobileFabrikationsanlage, StructuralOscillations |
Exhibition |
11.08.2008-15.08.2008 |
Design & Computation
SIGGRAPH 2008. Los Angeles. |
Projects: WeingutGantenbein |

Exhibition |
01.06.2008-21.09.2008 |
Re-sampling Ornament
Re-sampling Ornament. S AM - Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum. Basel. |
Gramazio & Kohler are featured in the "Re-sampling Ornament" exhibition at the Swiss Architecture Museum in Basel. Exactly 100 years after Adolf Loos wrote Ornament and Crime, a manifesto that effectively relegated ornament in architecture to the peripheries of the discourse, the exhibition takes a first step towards tracing its re-emergence.
Projects: WeingutGantenbein |
Exhibition |
28.03.2008-08.06.2008 |
Rethinking Design and Making in Architecture
MMFX - Manufacturing Material Effects. Institute for Digital Fabrication - Ball State University. Indianapolis Museum of Art,, USA. |
Projects: WeingutGantenbein, WFA_DiePerforierteWand, WF_DerSchaum |
Exhibition |
02.09.2007-06.09.2007 |
Zwischen den Disziplinen
Präsentation der programmierten Wand. SIA Sektion Zürich. EWZ-Unterwerk Selnau, Zürich. |
Exhibition |
31.05.2007-09.09.2007 |
Pavillon Seroussi
Architectures de collectionneur de Pavillon Seroussi . Nathalie Seroussi. Maison Rouge, Paris. |
Exhibition |
22.02.2007-20.04.2007 |
From diagram to code: the computational turn of architecture
Maison de l'Architecture et de la Ville. Marseille . |
Exhibition |
18.10.2006-21.01.2007 |
Spielwitz & Klarheit. Schweizer Architektur, Grafik und Design 1950–2006
Weingut Gantenbein. Kornhausforum. Bern. Lecturer: Claude Lichtenstein, Marc Schwarz, Sabine von Fischer. |
Projects: WeingutGantenbein |
Exhibition |
28.09.2006-08.11.2006 |
Werdende Wahrzeichen. Architektur- und Landschaftsprojekte für Graubünden
Weingut Gantenbein. gta. ETH Zürich, ARchENA + Architekturfoyer, Zürich-Hönggerberg. |
Projects: WeingutGantenbein |