
- Award |
16.05.2023 |
Impact Printing wins 3D Pioneers Challenge in the category Architecture
Impact Printing is the winner of this year’s 3D Pioneers Challenge in the category Architecture, and it has also received a Special Mention by Autodesk Technology Centers!

Award |
10.11.2021 |
Future Tree wins Structural Award 2021
The Institution of Structural Engineers. |
Projects: FutureTree |

Award |
25.08.2021 |
DFAB House receives special mention at BETON21
Betonsuisse. |
The project is a promise for the future. It shows the direction in which construction and the use of concrete could go if the possibilities of digital fabrication are increasingly exploited. The award is thus made in appreciation of the innovative use of concrete and novel concrete techniques on a 1:1 scale.

Award |
28.09.2018 |
Prix Lignum 2018 - Anerkennung Region Nord
The Sequential Roof by Ania Apolinarska (Project leader). A recognition for the innovative, valuable and forward-looking use of wood.

Award |
20.06.2017 |
Schweighofer Prize 2017
Innovation award for the European forest-based sector. The company ERNE AG Holzbau has won the European innovation award for the development of the ERNE portal robot in collaboration with ETH Zurich.

Award |
20.06.2017 |
Building-Award 2017 für ETH Forschungsprojekt Arch_Tec_Lab
The Building Award is a Swiss award for excellent engineering achievments in construction. The roof of the new Arch-Tec-Lab building comprises a wooden construction with 45'000 elements and sets new standards in the industrial timber construction.
ERNE supported the planning and development of the timber construction which was fabricated by the ERNE portal robot in Stein.

Award |
09.05.2017 |
Rock Print has been awarded with the STARTS Prize 2017 for Innovative Collaboration
GALA - Award Ceremony. Ars Electronica Linz. |
The jury of the STARTS Prize 2017 has selected our work “Rock Print” for the Grand Prize – Innovative Collaboration of the STARTS Prize 2017 – Grand prize of the European Commission honoring innovation in technology, industry and society stimulated by the arts

Award |
06.03.2017 |
Mesh Mould Project Team Receives Concrete Innovation Award at CIC 2017
Second Concrete Innovation Conference in Tromsø, Norway. |
The Mesh Mould project team received the award in the category “Buildability – Efficient Construction Techniques” for their presentation “Mesh Mould – an On-site, Robotically Fabricated Functional Formwork”. The jury particularly valued the interdisciplinarity of the project. Congratulations!

Award |
24.11.2016 |
Swiss Technology Award
Swiss Innovation Forum. Congress Center Basel. |
Norman Hack, PhD candidate at Gramazio Kohler Research and project leader of «Mesh Mould» together with his interdisciplinary project team of ETH Zurich convinced jury of the Swiss Technology Award 2016 with their novel approach to building with concrete. «Mesh Mould» received the Swiss Technology Award in the category «Inventors» at the 11th Swiss Innovation Forum in Basel. The award ceremony was attended by around 1000 opinion leaders from Swiss economy, politics and society. «Mesh Mould» allows to build load-bearing concrete elements of any shape without formwork.
Projects: MeshMould |

Award |
03.04.2016 |
CAADRIA 2016 Best Paper Award
Congratulations! Romana Rust won the CAADRIA 2016 Best Paper Award for her paper "Spatial Wire Cutting - Cooperative robotic cutting of non-ruled surface geometries for bespoke building components"!

Award |
22.03.2016 |
Pioneering Research Award
For its outstanding research in the field of robotic fabrication in architecture the Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication received the "Pioneering Research Award" at this year's Rob|Arch 2016 conference in Sydney.

Award |
13.06.2014 |
CIC Award
Concrete Innovation Conference (CIC) . Oslo. |
The research project "Smart Dynamic Casting" received the “CIC Award” of the Concrete Innovation Conference 2014! Based on the collaboration between the research groups of Prof. Dr. Robert J. Flatt (PI), Prof. Dr. Hans J. Herrmann (both Institute for Building Material, ETH Zurich) and the Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication, the award features the project's approach on efficient concrete construction.

Award |
27.05.2014 |
Pioneering Achievement Award
RobArch 2014. Michigan. |


Award |
30.08.2012 |
Global Holcim Innovation Prize
Holcim Betontagung. Holcim. ETH Hönggerberg, Zürich. |
For the development of a new type of re-useable free form concrete formwork the Professorship for Architecture and Digital Fabrication, ETH Zurich received the Global Holcim Innovation Prize. The reserach is part of the "TailorCrete" project and is supported by the EU-FP7 programme. The Award Ceremony will take place at the concrete conference.

Award |
15.09.2011 |
Holcim Award
Holcim Award . Holcim Foundation. Mailand. |
For the development of a new type of re-useable free form concrete formwork the Professorship for Architecture and Digital Fabrication, ETH Zurich received a Holcim Award. The research was partially sponsored by the EU-FP7 TailorCrete project.
Projects: TailorCrete |

Award |
14.01.2010 |
Wallpaper Design Awards 2010 for best builder R-O-B
Wallpaper Magazine. |

Award |
24.10.2009 |
Acadia Award of Excellence for Emerging Digital Practice 2009
Awards Ceremony. Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA). Chicago, Illinois. |
This award recognizes innovative design work that advances the discipline of architecture through development and use of digital media. The award honors extraordinary individuals
at the beginning of their careers.

Award |
11.12.2008 |
Hochparterre Preis
Die Installation auf der Architekturbiennale Venedig 2008, "Structural Oscillations", erhielt von der Zeitschrift Hochparterre und dem Schweizer Fernsehen den "Goldenen Hasen" für den besten Beitrag in der Kategorie Design.
Projects: StructuralOscillations |
Award |
06.06.2008 |
Balthasar-Neumann-Preis. |
Projects: WeingutGantenbein |
Award |
03.04.2008 |
Brick Award 2008, 2. Platz für das Weingut Gantenbein in Fläsch
Brick Award 2008. Wienerberger AG. Wien. |
Projects: WeingutGantenbein |
Award |
23.01.2007 |
Anerkennung für das Weingut Gantenbein in Fläsch
Tageslicht-Award. Velux Stiftung Schweiz. Swissbau, Basel. |
Projects: WeingutGantenbein |